Dating Chichester

Find local singles in Chichester

Long distance relationships rarely work. Give yourself the best chance at finding love by joining Sussex Singles, the leading local dating site for singles living in and around Sussex.

Search, browse and communicate with over 50,000 local singles from the comfort of your own home or take Sussex Singles with you with our fully featured mobile site.

Have you tried online dating before?

Many of our members come to us because they have been unsuccessful at finding a match on other large dating websites. Many of the larger sites seem great on the surface, boasting tens of millions of members, the latest features, fancy advertising campaigns but in reality, most of them are rather generic sites featuring members from all over the UK and often further afield. If you are only interested in meeting genuine singles living or working near you, try a dating site with a heart where you can contact our helpful support staff any time of the day or night with any questions or concerns. Where we personally verify all new profiles for authenticity and where you have a far greater chance of actually meeting someone you have a connection with.

  • We're not all about the numbers we care that we can find the perfect person for you, all of our members are from Sussex.
  • We have real people at the end of a phone or an email away if you have any problems what so ever.
  • It’s easy to use the site wherever you are with our dedicated phone app – find new members, reply to messages.
  • Simple and easy to use dating site. We offer compatibility reports but we don’t force you to fill out any lengthy surveys. Lots of members like to see what kind of personality they are but your free to give as little or as much information about yourself as you like.
Meet single men looking for a lasting relationship

If you are looking for your dream man in Chichester who is serious about meeting someone for a long term relationship, try a dating site that keeps dating local

Search single women in Chichester

With all our members living or working nearby, the chances of finding love in Chichester are greatly improved by focusing on people looking for love nearby.

Register today for your risk-free photo profile account and see what Chichester singles are online right now.