Dating Hastings

Date local singles in Hastings

Dating exclusively for you. Let’s face it - The UK is a big place. Dating sites that cover the whole country can feel like a cattle market - it's no fun being treated like a piece of meat. We think its better to keep things local - you can actually find people from Hastings and you won’t be crowded to from people all over the country. Come and find love with Sussex Singles.

Have more success finding local singles in Hastings with Sussex Singles

More members find real love with us because we match real local singles with other singles in Hastings rather than dazzling you with pointless statistics about total members and daily registrations, we concentrate on matching singles in Hastings with other single girls or guys who are looking for a date in your area.

  • Free to register
  • Find genuine people in Sussex who are local to you; no more long distance relationships
  • Smartphone application – keep in touch while out and about
  • Instant messaging, nudges, winks and other fun ways to get in touch and stay in touch
Single men in Hastings

Find you dream date today by signing up for free and searching thousands of local single girls looking for love.

Single women in Hastings

Find a man to sweep you off your feet or just a friend to while away lonely nights with chatting online with the leading regional dating site in The UK, Sussex Singles.

What’s the catch?

No catch, simply sign up to get free, instant access to thousands of singe men and women from all over Sussex looking for love. Once you are registered you can access the entire site. Free members have limited messaging abilities, if you wish to send and receive unlimited messages you can upgrade your account for a small fee. Sign up today for your no-risk trial account and enjoy the benefits of local dating for yourself.